A photograph of Paul Sawyier from the Wingate-Sawyier family album at the Kentucky Histocial Society.

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      The main service that Bill Coffey provides is assisting owners to sell their Sawyier originals and assisting interested potential buyers find the right Sawyier original.

      This website provides photographs of and information on original Paul Sawyier paintings currently for sale through Bill Coffey of Paul Sawyier Galleries, publisher of Sawyier limited edtion art prints and sales of Sawyier original paintings. However, Sawyier originals that we receive are usually sold within weeks, if not days. 

      Bill can be contacted to authenticate, without charge, any painting that appears to be by Paul Sawyier.

      An estimated value and suggested restoration of a Sawyier original can be provided.

      For Information on Paul Sawyier art prints go to www.Paulsawyiergalleries.com.