watercolor - 13" x 20" image                    



                The focus of this painting is the last snow of the year, about 1910, near Camp Nelson, Kentucky. This is noted on a C.F. Brower & Company label "Last Snow at Camp Nelson" along with a brief description in Sawyier's handwriting that can partially be read: "A scene ..above Camp Nel...on the Kentucky River  Early Spring".

                 This watercolor, with an image of 13" x 20" has been extremely well preserved, and is in probably the frame originally chosen by Sawyier.

                 Paul Sawyier left Frankfort in 1908 and spent about five years in the Shakertown-High Bridge-Camp Nelson areas. He was represented by the C.F. Brower & Comapny, a furniture store in Lexington, Kentucky, which sold over 500 Sawyier originals during this period.