Image 11 1/2" x 17 1/2"
This painting has been sold.
The focus of this watercolor is the first bloom of a beautiful tree with just a hint of the last snow.
Paul Sawyier left Frankfort, Kentucky in 1908 seeking different scenes to paint and find new markets for his original works. He travelled by houseboat to the Shakertown-High Bridge-Camp Nelson areas and for five years his focus was the beautiful palisades along the Kentucky River and the unique High Bridge that spanned the river.
He signed an agreement with Brower & Company of Lexington, Kentucky to sell his works during this period. It has been established that during these five years that over 500 of Sawyier's works were sold. Almost all of his originals were in watercolor, although he started to create more scenes in oil.
During these five years, Sawyier painted and primarily lived on his houseboat. Having developed strong friendships with local residents, he could also stay with friends during some of the winter months.
This particular watercolor share a similar scene and it is noted that the sale was through Brower & Company and mentioned as being in the Camp Nelson area. The original has a Kentucky era signature and considering the location of the scene was created over 100 years ago.