In 1908, Paul Sawyier left Frankfort, Kentucky and for five years living on his houseboat on the Kentucky River. He painted scenes of the Kentucky River, primarily between the High Bridge-Shakertown and Camp Nelson areas. His scenes included the beautiful palisades and landmarks of the river.
On the way to High Bridge he would have passed Mundys Landing, south of Versailles, in Woodford County, off Highway 33. In 1806, Thomas Munday established a port across the river from Shawnnee Runby which included a ferry, mills, a lumber yeard, a boat yard, and a tavern. Post offices operated intermittently from 1854 to 1905 as Mundays landing and Mundys. There has long been controversary about the spelling of the name, but modern maps generally use Mundys Landing. Nothing remains of the community but the tavern building, now a private residence.
Watercolor 13" x 20"