Image:  11" x 17"


        The scene in this beautiful watercolor is near Camp Nelson, Kentucky and the distant mountain is known as "Boone's Knoll". Sawyier lived and painted scenes in this area between 1908 and 1912.

        The owner of this painting and another Sawyier watercolor "By The  River" inherited the works from her great-aunt. She received them from her father who was a personal friend of Sawyier.

        On the back of the frame is a Brower's Studio of Art label, with the typed words "Subject Boone's Knoll, Kentucky River and Artist Paul Sawyier".

        On the back of the painting are the words "Boone's Knoll" and "KY River Mouth of Little Hickman", referring to the creek that flows into the Kentucky River just south of Camp Nelson.