Paul Sawyier attended Second Street School from 1870 to 1880, based on notes from Dr. Willard Jillson's research of the Sawyier family. During this period, children attended from first grade through 10th grade. Sawyier's parents had Paul then attend two more grades at Frankfort's private academy and also had Paul and his sisters tutdored in art.
Many of Sawyier's works included scenes near the school's playground, at the corner of Louisville Road and Old Taylor Avenue. The road scenes often included the blacksmith shop at the corner and several were during the winter after a snow fall. The Avenue scenes, toward the small Devil's Hollow bridge focused on the Kentucky River toward the old railroad bridge.
Only a few of Sawyier's scenes were looking east toward downtown Frankfort from Second Street Street, the largest and most well known which was reproduced as "Winter in Kentucky".
This small watercolor, shows three of Frankfort's well known steeples, the old Federal Courthouse, Good Schepherd Catholic Church, and Franklin County Courthouse. Most likely, it was a preliminary work for a future larger scene.